A comparison of small sample methods for handshape recognition

A comparison of small sample methods for handshape recognition

Conference paper
Sign languageHandshape recognitionDenseNetPrototypical networksMAMLTransfer learningSmall datasets


Automatic Sign Language Translation (SLT) systems can be a great asset to improve the communication with and within deaf communities. Currently, the main issue preventing effective translation models lays in the low availability of labelled data, which hinders the use of modern deep learning models. SLT is a complex problem that involves many subtasks, of which handshape recognition is the most important. We compare a series of models specially tailored for small datasets to improve their performance on handshape recognition tasks. We evaluate Wide-DenseNet and few-shot Prototypical Network models with and without transfer learning, and also using Model-Agnostic Meta- Learning (MAML). Our findings indicate that Wide- DenseNet without transfer learning and Prototipical Networks with transfer learning provide the best results. Prototypical networks, particularly, are vastly superior when using less than 30 samples, while Wide- DenseNet achieves the best results with more samples. On the other hand, MAML does not improve performance in any scenario. These results can help to design better SLT models.


  title={A comparison of small sample methods for handshape recognition},
  author={Quiroga, Facundo Manuel and Ronchetti, Franco and Cornejo Fandos, Ulises Jerem{\'\i}as and R{\'\i}os, Gast{\'o}n Gustavo and Dal Bianco, Pedro Alejandro and Hasperu{\'e}, Waldo and Lanzarini, Laura Cristina},
  journal={Journal of Computer Science \& Technology},